Spanish exchange this Saturday~


I haven’t blogged for a while… again…

Things have been hectic recently.

Example: we leave for Spain on Saturday; it is possible that BA are going on strike that day. AND we’re going through the NEKKID security!!




And then, the first Monday back, my art course is due in. And then the Thursday back, my astronomy coursework is due in.

And I have to build a telescope for that. And then do a written report on how I built it. AND do something with observations but I haven’t decided what yet…

But yeah :/

So I won’t be here for a week~~

Instead I’ll be in sunny Barcelona~


(I bet you it’ll rain. I AM a bad luck charm after all…)

But at least my spanish is improving by the day.

Although, if our flight IS cancelled, at least I get an extra week to do my astronomy and art XD

And I get to go to London with people, ’cause they’ve got their German exchange partners over the week we’re visiting our Spanish exchange partners.

Timing, timing~

Oh, anyone seen the new Alice in Wonderland film yet? It’s awesomely cool :3

Only thing I really didn’t like was the “earth” scenes. Basically, if it wasn’t in Wonderland, it wasn’t good.

But it did seem kinda plain and simple at some parts. Under-acted, maybe…

But Johnny Depp, what a legend XD

Guess what I’m reading right now??

My next book review~~

So glad I went to the library today :3

Ironically (I think??? Can never remember when it’s irony or just coincidence…) it’s a book about the moon.

Like, I think it’s a dystopian (opposite of utopia, you’ll have to look it up. Too lazy to explain, sorry guys :P) but I’m not too sure yet. Still seems pretty interesting 🙂

I only got it out ’cause I like the first chapter. Had no blurb, so you know 😛

It’s called Life as We Knew it, by Susan Pfeffer.

But yeah. I recently finished a book called Dark Fire, which is the most recent book in the Fire series by Chris d’Lacey, but I’m not gonna review it :/

Ditto The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan

I may not be reviewing them, but at least the got mentioned 🙂

Good reads, good reads~

Oh, and anyone heard of Darren Shan? Genius writer, wrote the PROPER vampire series which came BEFORE TWILIGHT (they are my vampires, ’cause they don’t sparkle or live forever. They burn and die. It makes more freaking sense….) and a series on demons, generally refered to as The Demonata (series). His vampire series is called The Saga of Darren Shan.

Both of those series have finished now. I’ve read all the books from both series’. Definitely up there on the favourites list 🙂

Oh, and another good book(s) is The Knife of Never Letting Go. It’s part of the Chaos Walking Trilogy, but so far only that and the sequel are out (btw, the sequel is good too :D). Not for everyone, because it IS a bit hard to read for some, but try it anyway. (dystopian, btw :3)

Anyway, gonna go now guys. Just realised that half of the post has turned into book suggestions. Oh well.

They’re good books, so it’s okay CX

See you when I get back from Spain~~

I love you all really CX

3 Responses to Spanish exchange this Saturday~

  1. basugasubakuhatsubusubasugaido says:

    :< you better go online b4 that D;
    you luckyyy thinggggg
    let mee commeeeee

  2. Emily says:

    I thought you were going to say you were reading Alice in Wonderland…
    I’m doing course work too, if it makes you feel any better. It’s English travel writing.
    Yeah, I agree, vampires should NOT sparkle. It’s just wrong.
    Good luck with the art. And the astronomy.
    Oh, and enjoy Spain!!! If I was able to speak spanish, I would have said that in spanish. Please treat it as if I did.
    Sorry for a slightly random response. Well, it was a slightly random post…

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